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Massage Gun Review: Bob & Brad Q2 Mini

Justin Loesher

Justin Loesher

Product review specialist at BestProducts.Review

Our Mission is To Simplify Your Massage Gun Purchase

BestProducts.Review does considerable research, analyses and testing on Health & Wellness products to provide you objective findings so that you can make more informed buying decisions.

Packaging: Outside

The Q2 Mini Massage Gun came in a nice simple small 1 piece box.

Packaging: Inside

You’ll find it has a small portable case which holds the gun and all its components neatly packed. Although the case is so small it’s able to comfortably fit the gun and all its 5 different heads along with the charger and instructions. One thing that stood out was the detailed instruction manual that not only showed how to use the gun and all of its features but it also gave a thorough tutorial on how to use the gun on each muscle group and for how long. It also comes with 2 extra rubber washers that can fit on any of the tips if they need to eventually be replaced. One downside I noticed was that the charger cable was a USB that didn’t come with its own plug that fits into the wall. Overall the gun looks like it is very good quality.

Testing Out the Q2 Mini Massage Gun

The first thing that stands out to me with this gun is just how small and portable this thing really is, you could even fit it in your pocket! One really cool thing about this gun is how quiet it is, you really could use it anytime, anyplace. The mini gun obviously isn’t very powerful but it’s perfect for ordinary everyday use. I also like how easy it is to use, adjusting the speed and swapping out tips is really simple and quick. The smooth grippy rubber handle allows for a comfortable grip. The way the grip is designed makes it easy and comfortable to really work the massage gun into your muscles.

Q2 Mini Massage Gun Specs


Stall Force: 45-50lbs

Rated Power: 25W

Stroke Length: 7mm

Max rpm: 3000

Decibels at max speed: 58.1dB

Dimensions (L x W x H): 3.5 x 1.9 x 5.75 inches

Weight: 1lb

Battery capacity: 2,500mAh

Charging time: 210 minutes (3.5hrs)


Stall Force: 45-50lbs

Rated Power: 25W

Stroke Length: 7mm

Max rpm: 3000

Decibels at max speed: 58.1dB

Dimensions (L x W x H): 3.5 x 1.9 x 5.75 inches

Weight: 1lb

Battery capacity: 2,500mAh

Charging time: 210 minutes (3.5hrs)


The Q2 Mini Massage Gun’s dimensions are 3.5 x 1.9 x 5.75 inches. This gun is really small and even pocket sized which is definitely one of the guns most attractive features. It’s very easy to travel with, especially with the low profile case that carries all of the gun’s components. You will also notice that all of the gun tips are a lot smaller and may not be ideal for a more advanced athlete or someone with large muscles. One downside to its size is that it is difficult or sometimes impossible to reach some spots on your back that a larger gun with a longer handle can easily reach.


The gun weighs 1lb making it one of the lightest guns on the market. The gun is so light that you almost don’t even notice it as you use it. This gun’s lightweight and small profile makes it very comfortable and easy to use on all muscle groups.

Stroke Length

Because the device is so small the stroke length of the Q2 Mini Massage Gun is only 7mm which is short but for the audience this product is designed for it is all you will need to effectively recover.

Stall Force

Stall force is the resisting force required to stall the engine. Because the Q2 Mini Massage gun has a short stroke length, it allows the gun to have a stall force greater than many larger high powered percussion massage guns. The mini gun has an impressive stall force of 45-50 pounds.

Battery Life

The battery on the Q2 Mini Massage Gun lasts very long because its motor is so small. The battery has a maximum capacity of 2,500mAh and a charging time of 3.5 hours. A blue lightning bolt appears on the bottom of the gun when the battery is getting low.

Attachments and Accessories

The unique Q2 Mini Massage Gun comes with many interesting accessories including 5 specialized gun tips, 2 spare rubber washers, detailed instructions for how to effectively use each tip on different muscles and finally a small case to hold all of its components.


Don’t let the size of the Q2 Mini Massage Gun fool you; it can go just as fast as most large massage guns. The gun has 5 levels and reaches a top speed of 3,000rpm. The 5 modes reach 1,800rpm, 2,100rpm, 2,400rpm, 2,700rpm and 3,000rpm.

Noise level

The Q2 Mini Massage Gun is known for being nearly silent when running. I put this to the test by measuring the Decibels each level produced. My results are in the chart below:

Level RPM Sound in Decibels
Level RPM Sound in Decibels

After testing I can definitely conclude that this gun is very quiet as it reached a maximum level of only 58 decibels. This is a little quieter than your everyday indoor conversation.

Worth the Price?

The Q2 Mini Massage gun is $129.99 which is a reasonable price for how useful it is. If you’re not looking to spend hundreds of dollars on a high performance massage gun then this gun is definitely worth considering. The gun is very high quality for its price.

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